Join ConTech in its International Construction Tech Digital Event, and be exposed to the most disruptive Construction technologies bringing together leading corporations & thought leaders in the construction & real estate arenas.
On July 12th-13th 2021, the Construction Tech global community will meet to engage with leading startups, hear insights from keynote speakers, take part in B2B meetings, participate in designated sessions focusing on major challenges & opportunities of the industry, and celebrate in a digital cocktail event.
+2,000 attendees
+30 largest international construction corporations
+100 startups
Professional ConstructionTech & PropTech executives
Event Agenda
- ConTech main studio: TLV Live Watch Party
- A virtual startup expo
- Pre-arranged B2B Meetings
Monday // July 12th 2021:
Opening words by Collaborative partners
Raul Srugo, President, Israeli Builders Association
Representative from the Ministry of Economy
Representative from the Ministry of Construction & Housing
Keynote Speaker
Zachi Flatto, CEO, ConTech
Mini sessions: Towards a Robotic Future
**The challenge of implementing Robotics in construction sites**
Julien Bourcerie, Head of Open-innovation, Bouygues Construction
** Open innovation and digital platforms in construction and the future of digital platforms**
Kristopher Lengieza, VP, Global Partnerships & Alliances, Procore Technologies
**The Growth of the Robotics and Emerging Applications in Construction**
Jeff Burnstein, President of Association for Advancing Automation
** Implementing digital innovation in Germany’s largest modular company**
Tim Schoenheit, Innovation manager
Janis Pieterwas, Innvation manager and Design, Innovation manager at Goldbeck.
Contech Demo Day & Startups Pitches
Mini Sessions: Building a Sustainable World
**LIVE Panel: The Circular Economy as a Catalyst to Construction Tech**
Ido Sella, CEO & Co-Founder, ECOncrete
Shany Barath, Prof. & Director of D.Dlab at Technion IIT. Co-Founder of Shaga Architects
Adi Mager, CEO, IRMI
Tomer Fishman, Professor & Researcher, IDC Herzliya
**Decarbonizing the Construction Ecosystem**
Alex Brihac, Consultant, McKinsey & Company
Tuesday // July 13th 2021:
LIVE Panel: ConTech Startups CEOs
Mini Sessions: Investing in Construction Tech – R&D AND VC
** Open innovation and sustainability for the building materials industry**
Pritesh Gandhi, Digital Partnerships & Co-Founder, LafargeHolcim Startup MAQER
Bengt Steinbrecher, Lead of Digital Transformation, LafargeHolcim Startup MAQER
** Investing in the Construction Tech Industry**
Gonzalo Galindo, Managing Director, Cemex Ventures
Curtis Rogers, President, Brick and Mortar
Shay Biran, CEO, Israeli Fund for the Promotion of the Construction Industry
Jeremy Brown, Principal, Foundamental
Hall of Fame pitches by most leading Startups
**LIVE Panel: Hall of Fame Startups**
Mini Sessions: Digital Fabrication
**Material Developments for Concrete 3D Printing: illustrations through recent large scale job sites**
Dr. Eng. Hélène Lombois-Burger, Head of Digital fabrication R&D, LafargeHolcim
**Holistic Approach to Digital Transformation**
Aviad Almagor, VP Emerging Technologies, Trimble
>> Closing Remarks